Saturday, October 2, 2010

Their Ghosts are our Future: Heroes and Us

   The ultimate gift a human being can give to man-kind is to leave his experiences, his legacy, his story and achievements written down in history for everyone to see and learn from. Everyone has a hero. We all have that figure in our lives who we look up to and learn from and one day hope to become. Like a shadow we drape their ghosts over us forever hoping it will puppet our path in life into what they have accomplished so we too can leave footprints behind for our predecessors to follow.

                                   Who is your inspiration?
   There was a time in my life where I thought there was no purpose in life. I thought life was weak like a spider web, barely visible by others and easy to break. I was lazy and nothing enthusiastic ever happened. Life was dull. Life was lifeless. I walked the streets of downtown San Diego, people watching, thinking to myself  "Why am I always lost in thought and wonder? Are there others that feel the way I do?". People describe me as a quiet and shy boy. I tend to keep to myself they say. I am as they describe but I am me for many  reasons. I question everything, I observe a lot. I wonder what life you live by according to the way you talk, the way you look, the way you smile, the way your eyes stare at me. Why I even think about you I do not know. I think knowing only about myself is not enough to live by. It is not only people. Animals too. I wonder where they are going. I wonder where they come from. What kind of lives those small litter critters live. Whether it be Squirrels or birds. My dog, your cat, the monkeys at the zoo or the pigeons flying by. I consider myself a deep thinker and a seeker of answers and I have found someone who is exactly like me and one day hope to be. This person is like a boat I plan to sail on through these murky waters of knowledge and history. I will sail North I say... to a place where I will find my fountain of  wisdom. This boat will guide me through all my obstacles in life. This boat, or person I have found is Leonardo Da Vinci. One of the most talented and smartest figures that has ever lived.

   Ever since I started reading and learning about the way of life Da Vinci pursued I have felt more alive then ever before. I find myself intrigued about many things and having the energy to stop wondering and figure out everything that I want to know. My thirst for knowledge has grown and not only do I wonder about things but now I find the answer to everything I want to know. Even when small questions like "How does glue not stick to the inside of the bottle?" come to mind I research them and solve them. You can never know too much is what I have learned. Having someone to be inspired by has shaped the way I live my life and even helped it progress in a positive way. There are many things I could not have done without the help of Leonardo Da Vinci. I most likely would not have had the same enthusiasm about continuing my education in college as I did when I first discovered who this person was.

   Heroes can shape our lives and help us find ourselves. If ever you feel like your stuck in life and don't know what path to take next, just look up someone that has some connection with your situation. I'm sure whatever it is you need solved has already been solved by someone else. If not look up similarities and try to solve it yourself and help out others that you find with the same problems. Document it. You never know. You might become some one's hero yourself. In order to shape our future we must look into our past. Never think of life as an hourglass. Think of it more as a waterfall. Thousands and thousands of drops of  life crashing into the body of water below, the waterfall never ending but all the water preserved at the bottom so one day we may all look into it and see our reflection. Our reflection reflected off of everyone else's lives. Choose your hero who you can live by, so one day you will live in the memory of another as a hero of their own.

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